So I have to re-cap yesterday. I was on set shooting a commercial, that means that a wardrobe person made all the decisions on what I was wearing, I didn't have to think about it at all! I think I could get use to that. Not to mention having someone else do my hair and make-up!

Today I wanted to talk about rouching or is it roaching? No that's the bug, anyway, let's just call it shirring, the old fashion word we used at FIT. This technique is great at hiding tummy bumps, especially in bathing suits, but today I'm wearing a white cotton top and it's shirred across the bust which I thought would make my bust look smaller but instead I think it looks bigger. (And I don't need to look bigger).
So how can a technique that attracts attention to itself both conceal and accentuate? I don't know but I will research and get back to you. Anyway, the teen fashion police, you know who sometimes sends me back in the closet, said it was CUTE and that's good enough for me!