Having an ICM this morning. For those of you that don't know, that's one of my Immobilizing Closet Moments.  So here I am reporting to you from the floor of my closet - lap top in, well, lap.

I think I'd be happy if I could just wear my favorite black pants every day.  The West Side Pant. But alas, I have to go out into the world, (and they might notice), so I'm going to repeat the importance of this, and for those of you that have read about this before, (it's my favorite tip and needs repeating!!!), please bear with.  With no time, no inspiration and no fabulous outfit to whip up I'd really rather sit here all day. But there is that GIANT to-do list and all those goals rambling around in my busy head so once again it is to THE BOARD. Like this pretty French Twill Memo Board  and this gorgeous Damask French Floral Memo Board
It always saves me!

THE BOARD, for those of you that don't know, is full of photos of me when I look, well, fabulous.  Don't get me wrong there are plenty of times when I look crappy in fact that's how THE BOARD was born.  I started asking myself this question when I saw a woman that I thought looked fabulous and I'd say to myself, "self, if you like that look so much why don't you have anything like it???" Well, upon investigating this concept it turns out I did.  But with life and hurrying around sometimes when we're rushed to get dressed we forget what we have put together before that made a great look.

So I challenge you to get a BOARD like one of these that you just slide the pictures under the ribbons or a cork board or just tape the pictures to the wall of your closet, or if you don't have room in your closet then use a pretty folder and every time you love what you are wearing snap a pic hang it up or put it in the folder.  Also, in your spare time, lay out some outfits on your bed, maybe that great new Sparkle Pin Eternity Scarf   you bought will look great with that Bleeker Street Tunic . Lay it out and photograph the combos.  You will love this when you are having an ICM.

So now, looking at my board, I see that great white T-shirt like this Rhinestone Embellished Shirt with a short sleeve cardigan  and my fav black pants.  Would have forgot that outfit if it were not on the board.  So that's it, I'm dressed and I even passed the inspection of the Teen Fashion Police!

Off to see what's happening Outside The Closet!

Rhinestone Embellished Shirt