TUESDAY TO DO'S: Mix And Match To Multiply Your Wardrobe.
It's not everyone that is lucky enough to have their very own 'Teen Fashion Police' on premises. Here she is, Dana Melanie, AKA my daughter. You may be seeing a lot of her in my upcoming blogs; she is an actress and she is just about to launch a fashion line, Donavon Bentley, which is totally fabulous!
Now mind you it's not all peachy as many a day I get sent back to the closet for a re-do, (ouch), you're NOT wearing that are you? But she is always right (shhhh). I'd like to say she takes after me in her ability to re-do, re-invent and create and I will take credit for teaching her how to seek out the best bargains, but her ability to 'style' is all her own and it's fabulous!

In these pictures the same pair of pants and purse have been used for two very different looks. The T-shirt on the left was from the Men's Department at Target for $10. As you can see, it had a sassy run in with a pair of scissors. The blazer was a great find at a store called Love Culture for $27. The flats were $29 from a store in our local mall called Love D, they always have a buy one get one half off. The peach top is from Foreign Exchange, on sale for $19. And for fab-u-less purses, (as always), bounce through my home page at LATrunkShows.