We hosted a fabulous family reunion at our house over Memorial Day weekend and we hit the beach. There's nothing like digging your toes in the sand to claim that it's officially summer.
My niece Lily enjoying the waves.
My niece Emily digging in her toes in for the very first time.
Who doesn't LOVE summer!?! Of course check back with me in August after 10 days of 100 degrees when I'll be dripping and dreaming of sweaters and boots. But for now, YAY! It's SUMMER.
So how's your summer wardrobe? If it's looking a little drab, here are some EZ and budget friendly ideas to fab it up.
A shore bet, go nautical, my obsession with stripes continues
Use color - even one accessory like this little yellow bag changes everything
A great sun hat and a big beach bag are not negotiable
Color Blocking

And of course, you can never go wrong when you add a bit of Sparkle