About ten years ago my girlfriend Nicola and I started a tradition of going on a girls weekend every December. It's the ultimate in girlyness - pampering, plotting and pigging out. We review our calenders for the year that's ending one accomplishment at a time and whether it was a hurdle to over come or a goal achieved we list them all and acknowledge each others efforts. Then we collage our way into the next year with our hopes and dreams. I also do this with my husband and my daughter. It's a great way to reflect and really acknowledge those you love and yourself for all we do.
This year we added a new tradition, thanks to Pinterest, a mason jar, (from the 99 cents store), to store a years worth of memories. As we went through our year we wrote what we did on paper then cut them up, folded them into small squares and put them in the jar. Years from now you can just open a jar of the year you want to experience. What a great keepsake!
Before & After

Hope your holidaze are magical!