Happy Thanksgiving week! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and this year I've decided to plan Thanksgiving Al Fresco for the first time. The weather report just predicted rain. Blah, we'll see, it never rains in California.
Inside or out the menu planning is under way and now for a little inspiration from my
pinterst Holidaze board to decide on the table decor. I'll be sharing the day on
Instagram so follow along!
I don't feel I can do justice to Thanksgiving if I'm not in the present enjoying it and by that I mean not celebrating Christmas. What would the Pilgrims and Indians think of this?!?
My house has corn hanging on the door and pumpkins in every corner but when I look out the window I see sparkling Christmas lights and a huge tree in my neighbor's living room window. It's beautiful but I'm not ready to give up fall harvest until at least the day after Thanksgiving! Not to mention Hanukkah starts on Thanksgiving this year, or as it's been lovingly coined on FB Thanksgivinukah. In our houses we celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas so there will be latkes on the hors d'oeuvres table, after all it won't happen again for 80,000 years! I don't see us hanging Christmas lights for at least another week, I need space between holidays.

This year I started a gratitude journal, it was a very small note book which I recently replaced with a bigger journal. At first I listed 5 things every day that I was grateful for but then so easily the 5 became 10 and the 10 became 20. I'm not just referring to milestones or big events, although my family has been blessed with many of those this year, I'm referring to every day miracles that we never really think about like having two healthy legs to get up on each morning, fresh water by simply turning your faucet and food to eat whenever we want. When you start to think about all the little things we take for granted, like the sun rising each morning, it becomes clear that there are so many everyday miracles and I find the more I express my gratitude the more I have to be grateful for. I am grateful for all of you that share with me, inspire me and are a part of my life. Happy Thanksgiving!