Alexander Wang for H&M is due to hit stores and their on line site on November 6th. I was excited when I heard, then I saw the look book preview and, not so excited. If your style is really edgy then this line is definitely for you, it's a very sharp work-out to street look with kind of a space age over tone. As my mother would say, not my cup of tea, but if it's yours, be prepared to wait in line.

Thank goodness my daughter is all grown up because I'd have to staple my wallet shut over this one. Kate and Jack Spade for GapKids! Be still my heart the bow dress in a mini me! Prices from $9.95 - $130. Does it get any cuter?!?
And last but definitely not least, what holiday season would be complete without something extra sparkly, to hold your soy chai perhaps? Look what's coming...Swarovski for Starbucks!