But I was really intrigued by this juice fast plan I found on Pinterest. I'm obsessed with pinning to my Health & Beauty Board and wanted to try it knowing up front that I wouldn't deny myself food, yet eat as clean and light as possible. Having some skin issues and lack of energy lately I was excited to give it a try.
It's a three day plan and I decided to start on a Saturday (two weekends ago) and when I announced it to my family they decided to do it with me. This definitely made it more fun and easier to stick with! So I multiplied the recipes by three and at the produce market I looked like a lunatic as I put all this into my cart! (It's not even all in the picture!) I hear all the time that people think it's so expensive to juice and that's really a misnomer. I spent $40 for all of it, mostly organic, so if I had bought just for me that would have only been $13 for all three days.
So, in the interest of full disclosure; I'm not a doctor, nutritionist, dietitian, etc., etc., etc. I am just a health nut who'd rather pop a pea than a pill.
We have an Ostar masticating juicer, it's great but it's slow. So on Saturday morning we began operation juice. Even with my husband prepping all the veggies it still took an hour to make a huge vat of juice to get us though Day 1 with all three of us drinking a cup each hour, (it was hard to stick to that schedule.)
I was amazed at how full I was. I actually didn't eat anything else until about 3:00 when I first felt a hunger pang and then had a little tuna salad. But the most amazing part was that by Sunday night I had so much energy I was bouncing off the walls at 11 PM! I got so many things done and was still going strong on Monday. A huge increase in my energy level, really remarkable.
Liver and Kidney
- 6 apples
- 10 pieces of beets
- 1 bunch of celery
- 1 cucumber
- 1 lemon
- 2 tomatoes
- 15 carrots
Anti Inflammatory/Anti Oxidants
- 4 apples
- 3 cucumbers
- bunch parsley
- 2 large handfuls of spinach
- 1 bunch celery
- 15 pieces of ginger
- 10 pieces of beets
- 1 bunch celery
- handful cilantro
- 1 cucumber
- 1 small piece of ginger
- 2 lemons
- 10 roman leaves
- handful of spinach
- handful of parsley
- 15 carrots
Each recipe makes 64 ounces of juice for one day. Drink 1 cup every hour for 8 hours and drink 1 cup of water every 30 minutes. Eat light if you feel hungry.

Find these charts/websites and more on Pinterest.