I love this concept of incorporating a few (12) detox tips into each day. It makes it doable, less overwhelming, and makes you mindful of your health on a daily basis. Which isn't easy for most of us running around doing a zillion things at once like crazy people. 

- Drink tons of water, make it fun with favorite bottles, take them with you, spruce it up with lemons, cucumbers, berries and mint. Drink, drink, drink!
- Dry brush your skin.
- Drink plenty of tea, especially green for it's detoxifying benefits.
- Move that body of yours, it's your one and only.
- Eat at least one super food at each meal.
- Include probiotic foods or take one in pill form.
- Get enough sleep! (I need to do better with this one.)
- Limit your TV and news in take, especially late at night.
- Scrape your tongue.
- Eat organic.
- Incorporate fruits and veggies in smoothies and fresh squeezed juice.
- Stay away from fast food, refined food, chemicalized food, fake food! You get the picture.
Have a Happy, Healthy Hump Day!