Happy Motivation Monday!  Hope you all had a great Valentines weekend. I declared Saturday as Galentines Day because girl time is a must. And I promised myself that on Sunday I would have fun with my husband but also start the day off with some Valentines treats for myself. That meant a mani-pedi and yoga class. I started out early, as tempting as it was to roll over and go back to sleep, I was so happy that I didn't. That was some long over due me time. When I got home my handsome Valentine and I went to the garden nursery, AKA, our happy place. We bought herbs and veggies and new soil and went home and we all dug in, literally. My green house had flown over in a wind storm last week. I actually saw it fly up and passed my living room window, like I was Dorothy in Kansas! So I was anxious to get it back on it's feet and fill it up. It was 85 degrees and gorgeous and I'm wearing sandals in February. (After all I have a fresh pedi.) Then we went out to an early dinner, me and my two special Valentines. 

So today's Monday Motivation is about being good to yourself not just on special days but everyday.
And I highly recommend digging your freshly manicured nails into a pot full of dirt!