Welcome October! And happy first Motivation Monday. For the last few months you may have noticed I'm only posting one Motivation Monday per month, on the first Monday, due to my schedule right now. But I think the first Monday of each month is the most powerful. It's great for setting up the months goals and plans and seeing what your priorities are for the next 31 days. And even though I live in Southern California where fall temps don't hit until around Thanksgiving, there's still plenty of pumpkins, soups, and landscapes to lull me into fall feelings.
I took this picture on our Saturday morning walk, no color leaves, but it'll do.
I said Pumpkins didn't I!?! And there's no shortage of pumpkins anywhere I go and I just love them, Over load of pumpkin pictures in my phone.
And soup! Fall is for hearty soup and I love soup. OK it was gazpacho because it was 98 degrees but it's still soup!
And let's not forget the most important thing about Motivation Monday.....motivation!
Happy Fall!