Happy Motivation Monday on this first beautiful Monday of October! I love October, the crisp air,(finally in Los Angeles), the blooming sunflowers, and of course the pumpkins!!! I love decorating with pumpkins. Truth is I'm obsessed, really, I have a pumpkin problem. I can't get enough of them. I decorate with them for fall, then for Halloween and then transform them back for Thanksgiving. And no matter how old I get or how old my daughter gets we will never give up the tradition of going to a pumpkin patch. And so we did. We checked out pumpkins of all shapes and sizes, the petting zoo and we bought some fruits and veggies from the fresh farm stand but I have to admit we went to Trader Joe's after to actually buy our pumpkins, the difference between $10 - $20 and $2.99. I'm obsessed but I'm not stupid :O
Fall is a good reminder to shed the things that no longer serve us, watch the trees, they show us the way.